We’ve put together a guide to the many benefits there are to eco-friendly car detailing methods, products, and practices. If you own a car, you know how much of a hassle it can be to keep it looking good, let alone doing that in an environmentally friendly way, but it’s a necessary part of car ownership and part of being a responsible human being to take care of the environment as you do so. While there are many ways to reduce the impact of car detailing on the environment, here are just a few of them:

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Car Detailing

There are many ways to reduce the impact of car detailing on the environment. Of course, there are the simple and obvious ideas like using reusable cleaning products (choosing fabric towels over disposable ones) and using less water, but what about those you might not have thought of?

Using Eco-Friendly Products

Many car detailing kits contain toxic and hazardous chemicals, which can harm your health and the environment if they are not disposed of properly. Instead, look for eco-friendly alternatives to these products; they are made from natural ingredients and don’t contain the same harsh chemicals (like ammonia or acetone) which can be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. These types of shampoos, cleaners, and waxes work just as well as their non-green counterparts, they just happen to be better and safer for you and the environment! Some examples of safer products include but are not limited to the following:

  • Spuddy’s Swift Wax

  • BioHy’s line of natural cleaners

  • optimum’s line of no rinse wash solutions

  • Make sure you’re avoiding products that include sodium laurel sulfate (SLES), too, which is an abrasive chemical commonly found in auto detailing products; this chemical has been linked to cancer due to a risk of lung damage being caused by too much exposure to it.

Researching Eco-Friendly Detailers

Professional auto detailers are experts in their field, and they have access to the right tools, products, and skill sets to provide exceptional service. Do your research to ensure that the auto detailing company you choose is trained to provide eco-friendly services. They use only safe products that are designed for each specific vehicle model so that you can be sure that your car will be properly cleaned without chemicals that are harmful to you or the environment.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Car Detailing

There are many benefits to taking the time to reduce your environmental impact when detailing your vehicle, including but not limited to the following:

  • Better for Your Car and Your Body

Toxic chemicals can be harmful to your health, your vehicle’s health, and the environment. Avoiding these chemicals can help you avoid the risk of exposing yourself to carcinogens and prolong the life of your car.

  • Preserving the Environment for Generations to Come

Avoiding using products and methods that cause damage to the environment can help you do your part to preserve the environment for the future. By continuing to use methods and products that cause damage to the environment, you’re speeding up the process of deterioration and contributing to risks of environmental disasters like Global Warming.

  • Doing Your Part to Preserve the Environment is Rewarding

By doing your part to preserve the environment in every way you can, you’ll be filled with a rewarding sense of accomplishment. It’s an important part of being a responsible citizen of the world to care about the health and longevity of the planet we live on. You’ll feel good about what you’re doing and its impact on others and the environment will thank you for it!

So what are you waiting for? Start doing your part to care for our environment today by booking your next auto detailing appointment with Emerald Mobile Detail. Our professional, expert detailing technicians are trained in environmentally friendly practices, use no harsh chemicals in their cleaning products, and offer a more eco-friendly detailing service due to their entirely mobile operation. Give your local Emerald Mobile Detail a call or visit our website today to schedule your next appointment.


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